
Get started with billing in TurboStarter.

Fully-featured billing on mobile is coming soon

For now, billing has a limited functionalities on mobile, we're mostly relying on the web app to handle billing.

We are working on a fully-featured mobile billing to help you monetize your mobile app easier. Stay tuned for updates.

See roadmap

Fetching customer data

When your user purchased a plan from your landing page or web app, you can easily fetch their data using the API.

To do so, just invoke the getCustomer query on billing router:

import { api } from "~/lib/api/trpc";
export default function CustomerScreen() {
  const { data: customer, isLoading } = api.billing.getCustomer.useQuery();
  if (isLoading) return <Text>Loading...</Text>;
  return <Text>{customer?.plan}</Text>;

You may also want to ensure that user is logged in before fetching their billing data to avoid unnecessary API calls.

import { api } from "~/lib/api/trpc";
export default function CustomerScreen() {
  const { data: user } = api.user.get.useQuery();
  const { data: customer } = api.billing.getCustomer.useQuery(undefined, {
    enabled: !!user, 
  if (!user || !customer) {
    return null;
  return (

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